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Why Is the "Period" Suddenly Increased? It Is Related to These Diseases

When women reach puberty, the ovaries ability to produce estrogen increases. At the same time, the endometrium is affected by the estrogen level and proliferates thicker and thicker. It will shed its own accord when it reaches a certain thickness. When the endometrium is shed, the capillaries in the uterine wall will rupture and bleed, and this blood will be expelled from the body along with the shed endometrium, which is called menstruation.

Under normal circumstances, the amount of menstruation that women have is between 5 and 80 ml per period; on average, it is about 5 to 30 ml. As long as a woman's menstrual flow is within this range, it is considered normal. It is an abnormal condition if the menstrual volume is less than 5ml or more than 80ml. Especially if the menstruation is normal and suddenly there is a lot of flow at a particular time, it is very abnormal.
So, what diseases are associated with excessive menstruation? Let's take a look below.

1. Excessive secretion of estrogen
Due to excessive secretion of ovarian estrogen, long-term endometrium stimulation increases it beyond the normal thickness. Therefore, the bleeding increases when shedding, such as anovulatory functional uterine bleeding.
2. Uterine fibroids
Endometrial bleeding is the main symptom of uterine fibroids, but most patients have endometrial bleeding, which often manifests as increased periodic menstrual bleeding and irregular menstruation.
If menstruation suddenly becomes irregular, or one of the following conditions, you should be alert: excessive flow, with periodic bleeding, often accompanied by prolonged periods; shortened menstrual cycle, with heavy menstruation; irregular bleeding, with menstruation losing its normal periodicity, with more and less menstruation, dripping and lasting for a long time.
3. Inflammation of the reproductive organs
If there is a lot of vaginal bleeding accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, increased vaginal discharge, abnormal color or smell, fever, and frequent and painful urination, you should consider the occurrence of infection of the reproductive organs.
4. Cervical hypertrophy
Cervical hypertrophy is a kind of chronic cervicitis. The main symptoms include excessive menstruation, purulent leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea, pain in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral area, frequent urination, urinary urgency, painful urination, and bleeding during sexual intercourse. In serious cases, it can cause endometritis, tubal ovaritis, and tubal adhesions, leading to infertility and increasing the chances of inducing cervical cancer.
5. Endometriosis
Endometriosis can cause an increase in menstrual flow. Endometriosis refers to ectopic endometrium that appears outside the body cavity of the uterus. The most common symptom is dysmenorrhea. About 15-30% of patients will experience abnormal menstruation, including increased menstrual flow, prolonged periods, irregular vaginal bleeding, and possibly spotting before menstruation during the premenstrual period. 
The causes of abnormal menstruation due to endometriosis may be related to substantial lesions of the ovaries caused by endometriosis or affecting ovulation of the ovaries, resulting in insufficient luteal function, etc. In some patients with endometriosis, the combination of adenomyosis and fibroids may also increase menstrual flow.
6. Hematopathy
In the case of abnormalities in the blood clotting system, such as hemophiliacs born with a lack of certain clotting factors, the blood does not clot easily, resulting in heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. If the patient has been facing excessive menstrual flow for a long time and the obstetrician and gynecologist cannot find any cause for the problem, patients should consider undergoing detailed blood tests to see if they have a blood disorder.
There are several main causes of sudden increases in menstrual flow that women need to know. If you notice that your menstrual cycle has become erratic or your menstrual blood volume has increased, you need to be alert. If there is no improvement after frequent rest and recovery, or if it is accompanied by abdominal pain, lumbago, abnormal leucorrhea, or other conditions, you should go to the hospital in time to receive an examination to clarify the cause and then treat the problem. 
Of course, you can also choose traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Fuyan Pill can treat chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, chronic endometritis, and various gynecological inflammatory diseases that cause menstrual flow increased. It not only regulates menstruation and relieves pain but also treats various gynecological inflammatory diseases so that menstruation can return to normal as soon as possible.
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