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Are Painkillers Effective for Dysmenorrhea Caused by Adenomyosis?
Adenomyosis, also known as intrinsic endometriosis, is the endometrial invasion of the uterine muscle wall layer, which is a special type of endometriosis and can coexist with "external" or mainly pelvic endometriosis. 
The main symptom of adenomyosis is dysmenorrhea, characterized by a secondary and progressive aggravation of the dysmenorrhea. It often occurs in the week before menstruation and is relieved by the end of the menstrual period. Pain medication can be relieved in the early stage. But as the onset of the disease progresses, the doses of pain medication needed for dysmenorrhea are increased significantly, making the patient unable to tolerate it.
Are painkillers effective for adenomyosis?
Valid. Patients with menstrual cramps caused by adenomyosis can take painkillers or contraceptive pills or place Mirena in utero, which can effectively achieve the analgesic effect.
For dysmenorrhea caused by adenomyosis, it is better to take ambroxol hydrochloride, codeine, and ibuprofen under the guidance of doctors. 
In the case of relatively mild illness, taking painkillers is effective. However, with the disease's development, dysmenorrhea becomes more serious, and the effect of taking painkillers will not be too noticeable. Analgesics can only relieve temporary pain, but taking it for a long time is not recommended. Although it relieves menstruation pain, it does not have the slightest therapeutic effect and will cause harm to the body after prolonged use. 
For example, the Fenbi capsule has serious side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, insomnia, and allergies. It is prohibited in patients with severe liver and kidney insufficiency or heart failure. Patients with severe pain can try Fuyan Pill. Its bactericidal force is powerful and can kill all bacteria and viruses. It can achieve curative effects such as painkilling and adjusting menstruation.
Fuyan Pill, as a complete formula, can clear heat and detoxification, promote blood circulation, and remove blood stasis, spleen, and dampness effect. Its anti-fibrosis, anti-calcification, and detumescence effect can eliminate gynecological tissue lesions, regulate menstruation, eliminate pain, and treat gynecological diseases and inflammation caused by female infertility. It can not only play the role of relieving pain but also achieve the role of treatment.
Adenomyosis requires appropriate treatment measures according to the patient's age, fertility status, and condition. If younger women still have fertility requirements, conservative treatment can be taken. If the age is older, the disease is more serious, and the pain in the menstrual period is unbearable, the patient needs surgical treatment. Only surgical treatment can fundamentally improve dysmenorrhea.
If adenomyosis is diagnosed, women should keep a light diet, avoid greasy, fried, spicy, stimulating food, and eat vegetables, fruits, and coarse-grain food, such as celery, cucumber, and mushroom.
Rest and keep better at ordinary times to ensure adequate sleep, and don't touch cold water during menstruation, etc. Keep warm, regularly review b-ultrasound, and pay more attention to perineal parts of the clean health.
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