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What Can't You Ovulate Normally?

Women of childbearing age usually ovulate every month. Ovulation is influenced by many factors, so it's not a big deal to fail to ovulate once or twice. But if you have not ovulated for a long time, the endometrial hyperplasia, and lack of periodic progesterone antagonism will increase the risk of gynecological cancer. So what are the causes of non-ovulation?

1. Central endocrine disorder
When there is a central endocrine disorder, the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) peak secretion is not enough to stimulate the biochemical and histological changes leading to the digestion and rupture of follicular wall, thus affecting the growth and development of follicles and ovulation significantly.
2. Gynecological diseases
Let's take pelvic inflammatory disease as an example. When salpingitis occurs, the tubes will become thicker, fibrotic and strip-like, and there may be adhesion with ovaries, uterus and surrounding organs and tissues, forming a solid and fixed mass, which will hinder ovulation in severe cases.
Patients should be carefully handled, go to the regular hospital in time and take Fuyan Pill for adjuvant treatment, in order to avoid serious consequences such as infertility.
3. Lack of enzymes or insufficient prostaglandins
Fibrinolytic enzyme, activated collagenase and prostaglandin will act on the basement membrane of the follicular wall and digesting the follicular wall, leading to the formation of ovarian ovulation foramen. However, if the enzyme is deficient or prostaglandin is insufficient at this time, the eggs will be significantly affected.
4. Hyperprolactinemia
Prolactin affects the normal secretion of gonadotropin in the pituitary gland, thus causing ovarian dysfunction, affecting the healthy development of follicles and ovulation function.

5. Psychological factors
For example, long-term stress, such as tension, anxiety, panic, and so on, can cause repeated small peaks of serum prolactin levels and affect ovulation. This condition is often accompanied by irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, breast pain, and other symptoms. 
If long-term ovulation does not occur, the following symptoms may occur:
1. Irregular menstruation
The menstrual cycle of anovulation is usually less than 21 days, and if women also have irregular vaginal bleeding, oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, anovulation should be considered. 
The clinical manifestations of anovulatory infertility are changes in the amount of menstrual flow, color, and quality. The menstrual cycle is either advanced or delayed or even amenorrhea, which causes infertility for many years.
2. Tall and secondary sexual dysplasia 
This condition may be abnormal sexual function caused by the central nervous system. The increase of hair in the whole body may be caused by excessive androgen secretion by the ovaries or adrenal glands. If there is milk from the breast, there may be too much prolactin in the blood.
In addition, the causes and types of infertility can be distinguished by medical history, gynecological examination, primary body temperature, cervical mucus, vaginal exfoliated cell secretion smears, blood endocrine hormones, B-ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and laparoscopy.
When a woman finds herself with the above symptoms, she can use the methods mentioned above to test whether she ovulates normally or not. It is suggested that the patients reduce unnecessary mental tension, adjust their mind, which is helpful for them to conceive a healthy baby.

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