How to Cure Tubal Adhesion at Fimbrial End?
The fimbrial end is the free end of the fallopian tube which grasps the egg from uretus. Normally, the fimbrial end is full of cilium and they can swing freely. The moving of the cilium transfers the ...read more + -
According to the medical survey, in the US today more than 6 million couples have problems when it comes to conceiving because one or both could be infertile. Then of these 6 million, about 1 million ...read more +
What Causes Fallopian Tube Obstruction?
Fallopian tube obstruction is a major cause of female infertility. Blocked fallopian tubes are unable to let the ovum and the sperm converge, thus making fertilization impossible. Fallopian Tubes are ...read more + -
A fallopian tube is one of two microscopic tubes. These tubes allow a woman's eggs to pass from her ovaries to her uterus. In order for the egg to migrate successfully, implant and begin a pregnancy, ...read more +
What Causes Fallopian Tube Blockage?
Fallopian tube blockage is the common gynecological disease now. Many patients are curious about the cause of fallopian tube blockage. What causes fallopian tube blockage? Chlamydia infection is the m...read more + -
The inflammatory in fallopian tube can cause pathological changes. Many inflammatory can cause fallopian tube blockage such as vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis and PID. Fallopian tube blockage is a...read more +
Nowadays, more and more women can't get pregnant successfully. There are many reasons for female infertility. Fallopian tube blockage is a most common reason that can cause infertility. Almost 30% to ...read more +
Fallopian tube blockage prevents successful passage of the egg to the sperm, or the fertilized egg to the uterus. Thus, it can cause infertility. Surgery can be used to try to correct this common caus...read more +
Fallopian tube blockages has been a main reason that can cause female infertility. Many patients with fallopian tube blockages want to know how to clean out fallopian tube blockages thoroughly. There ...read more +
What risks can hydrosalpinx cause?
Hydrosalpinx is a fallopian tube condition. When your fallopian tubes become infected to thepoint that they enlarge and fill with fluid, the tubes are referred to as hydrosalpinx. Women should look fo...read more +