Is It True that Vegetarian Diet Helps Relieve Dysmenorrhea?
Dysmenorrhea is due to menstrual cycle, endometrial flaking, a large number of secreted substances caused by uterine muscle contraction and ischemia phenomenon. Half of the women have primary dysmenorrhea, and about 5 to 15 percent suffer from more severe condition.
Dysmenorrhea usually begins in adolescence and severely interferes with women's normal life, and primary dysmenorrhea will be lessening in severity with age or after childbearing.
However, 25% of women have secondary dysmenorrhea, which is pathological. This is due to the pain increase when the endometrial tissue goes through the cervix while menstrual bleeding. Also, factors such as mental stress, lack of exercise, and others will make dysmenorrhea more serious. Besides, gynecological diseases such as endometriosis or adenomyosis can also be the cause of dysmenorrhea.

According to scientific research, it is found that vegetables, beans and other low-fat diet, can effectively change the body's regulation of sex hormone-binding globulin, thereby greatly reducing the substance synthesis leading to dysmenorrhea. Experts specifically recommend soy, which is rich in a plant of estrogen and the most effective suppression of dysmenorrhea. So vegetarians may achieve a certain degree of inhibition of dysmenorrhea for their diet.
Also vegetables, fruits and beans contain the unsaturated fatty acids, and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, that enable them to play a role of anti-inflammation and pain relief. On the contrary, Omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in most animal fats and fried foods, can be source to cause pain. That's how it is proved that a vegetarian diet can really reduce dysmenorrhea.

Women should pay more attention to their menstrual hygiene and diet during menses:
1. Avoid alcohol: Alcohol will consume the body vitamin B and minerals, excessive drinking will disrupt carbohydrate metabolism and produce too much estrogen, stimulate vasodilatation, causing advanced menstruation or excessive menstrual flow.
2. Avoid excessive salt: Too much salty food will contribute to an increased reservation of body's salt and water, resulting in menstrual cramps, headache, irritability and so on.
3. Avoid raw or cold food: When women's on a menstrual period, cold or raw food could slow down the blood circulation or even cause blood coagulation, so that when the blood flow is blocked, pain emerges, which is dysmenorrhea.

Tips: When women appear to have mild dysmenorrhea, they can drink a small amount of red wine, the sweet and sour taste can effectively alleviate the symptom of dysmenorrhea. In addition, for dysmenorrhea caused by endometriosis or adenomyosis, it is can be completely cured by taking the natural medicine Fuyan Pill.
Through promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, regulating menstrual period, tranquilizing pain and dispersing the lesions, the patients of endometriosis or adenomyosis will achieve a restoration of reproductive system and even solve the problem of infertility.
Adenomyosis Diet Therapy: Foods to Relieve Symptoms
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