The Symptoms of Tubal Ovaritis
When ovarian inflammatory diseases, that seldom emerge solely, are affiliated to salpingitis, it will induce tubal ovaritis. Usually, the tubal ovaritis emerges in the crowds of child-bearing period, and in those being 25 to 35 years old the incidence rate will reach the highest point.
1. The Cause of the Diseases of Tubal Ovaritis
The causes of tubal ovaritis should be attributed to a variety of infections, the most important of which is gonococcal infection. Besides, the past-partum or past-abortion infections are the common ones. Medically, we can divide the tubal ovaritis diseases into the acute ones and chronic ones.
2.The Symptoms of Tubal Ovaritis
(1) The Symptoms of Acute Tubal Ovaritis
The typical symptoms of acute tubal ovaritisusually are manifested as lower abdominal pain, chilling and fervescence. In which, the lower abdomen will emerge relatively serious pain of one side than the other at the first onset of disease, or intense pain in both sides when acute tubal ovaritis has gotten worse and been changed into pelvic peritonitis. If it is in the menstrual period, the patients might emerge excessive menstrual flow or a extend of menstrual period, while in the non-menstrual period, they might be manifested as irregularly bleeding of vagina and excessive vaginal fluid, or additionally, abdominal distention and pain, slime in dejection, urgent and frequent urinate,etc.When checking the body temperature, it usually would be above 38C sometimes reaching up to 40C or present as a remittent fever or continuous fever, with wiry and rapid pulse, flush face and dryness of lips.
Usually, gonococcal infection will cause purulent fluid that is visible or can be extruded in the os of dust of major vestibular gland, urethral orifice and cervical os. Meanwhile, pelvic cavity will emerge hydrops, conspicuous pain of one side than the other when be pressed down and even more serious pain when pushing the uterine neck. By gynecological examination, it will find out purulent discharge in the cervical os, while by vagino-recto-abdominal examination, mucus occasionally appearing in the middle finger.
Although the presence of severe symptom of acute tubal ovaritis, traditional Chinese medicine has the advantages of better curative and quicker effects for that, for it contains a multiple of ingredients of which some helps reducing fever and purging pathogenic fire, such as plaster stone, skullcap and rhizoma anemarrhenae; some helps clearing away heat and toxic material that will further handle inflammation, evacuate pus and turn mycoplasma and Chlamydia to negative; some helps promoting blood circulation and Qi, dissolving-stasis and releasing pain that will finally eliminate pain and tenderness and removing pathological changes; and some helps strengthening the spleen and promoting urination that can cure pelvic hydrops and restore vaginal fluid to normal. Adopting traditional Chinese medicine, it can heal acute tubal ovaritis well in one month or two.
(2) The Symptoms of Chronic Tubal Ovaritis
If acute tubal ovaritis is not healed well thoroughly, it will be transferred into chronic one. The tubercular tubal ovaritis is the most common kind of that.
Sometimes, the patient who suffering from it presents no conspicuous symptoms and a routine examination only can discover the slight thickening of tissue around ovary, whereas through the tubal patent test by liquid instillation, it will find out the blockage of fallopian tube. Furthermore, by gynecological examination, it will discover slight tenderness of both sides of lower abdomen, cervical erosion, thick vaginal fluid, retroflexion or low activity of uterus, and thickening and presenting as cords of fallopian tube in both sides of ovarian appendix. Or, in some severe condition, it is irregular easily palpable in both sides or backside of pelvic cavity to enclosed mass in different size, that might be abscess if the pelvic paries presents being thick, solid and adhesive, or be hydroslapinx if the pelvic paries being thin, highly tensive and slightly active.
Accordingly, the patient usually emerges pain of lower abdominal and lumbosacral region, and feels falling and bulge that would be intensified for tiredness. Meanwhile, it could be accompanied with some other symptoms, including pelvic cavity spindylosis; pain of bladder and rectum for overflow or other irritative symptoms, such as urgent frequent, evacuation rectal and urinary tenesmus; abnormal menstruation; excessive menstrual flow; pelvic hyperemia and dysfunction of ovary caused by chronic inflammation; fibrosis of uterus or aberrance of ovary induced by adhesion; infertility caused by tubal blockage; congestive menstrual colic for pelvic hyperemia, namely, abdominal pain that begins before a week of menstrual period and will be intensified along with the forthcoming of menses; excessive vaginal fluid and sexual pain, etc.

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