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Diagnosed dilated hydrosalpinx for over 7 years.

I never concern about my hydrosalpinx until get married and found out i cannot conceive.I don't feel any symptom like pain while menstural etc.I read that people who diagnosed hydrosalpinx need to do surgery either to cut the tube or clipp it.But i don't think i want to do that.When i google your website about Fuyan pills,i feel like want to try it.My question is,its have been 7 years now,do you think Fuyan pills can cure my DILATED HYDROSALPINX completly?and if yes how long this treatment i need to take?3 months?please advice me.Thank you.
Dilated hydrosalpinx can be cured by Fuyan pills. The prescription have the effect of consolidate recovery, endocrine regulation, regulating body balance, improve immunity, repair of the lesion tissue and clear the ovaries and fallopian tubes which finally restore the normal function and the reproductive of all the organs. To cure the hydrosalpinx, the Fuyan pills eliminate inflammation and water in tubal. It is no side effects, and it can goes deeply into the lesions, dredge the fallopian tube completely, then finally restore the physiological functions of fallopian tube.
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