Does Adenomyosis Cause Frequent and Urgent Urination?
Adenomyosis is a common gynecological condition. For many women with adenomyosis, in addition to common symptoms such as pain during menstruation and increased menstrual flow, they may also experience other discomforts, such as frequent urination and urgency.
So, does adenomyosis cause frequent urination and urgency?
In most mild cases of adenomyosis, the uterus's enlargement is relatively small, and there is no significant compression or impact on surrounding organs. At this stage, the bladder is not significantly compressed, and nerves are not strongly stimulated, so symptoms of frequent urination and urgency generally do not occur.
Furthermore, individual bodily adjustments and adaptability vary. Some patients with adenomyosis can effectively cope with changes in the uterus, maintaining normal bladder and urethral function through their regulatory mechanisms, thus avoiding frequent urination and urgency.
However, the following factors may lead to symptoms of frequent urination and urgency:
1. Direct compression of the bladder due to enlarged uterus
In severe cases of adenomyosis, the uterus significantly increases in size. The enlarged uterus moves forward and directly compresses the bladder, reducing its adequate capacity. Like squeezing a container, the amount of urine it can hold naturally decreases, leading to frequent urination.
2. Stimulation of bladder nerves
The bladder's normal function depends on precise nerve control. When nerves are abnormally stimulated, the signals they transmit may become disrupted, causing involuntary bladder contractions and, thus, urgency.
3. Triggering pelvic inflammation
Adenomyosis can trigger inflammatory reactions in the pelvic area. If inflammation spreads to the tissues surrounding the bladder, it can cause cystitis, affecting its normal function and resulting in frequent urination and urgency symptoms.
However, it is essential to note that not all patients with adenomyosis will experience symptoms of frequent urination and urgency. This depends on factors such as the severity of adenomyosis, the degree of uterine enlargement, and individual differences.
What should we do about frequent urination and the urgency caused by adenomyosis?
1. Conservative Treatment:
For patients with mild symptoms, less noticeable uterine enlargement, approaching menopause, or no immediate fertility needs, conservative treatment methods are typically considered.
Medication therapy is a common choice, such as using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain or using gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists to suppress ovarian function, thereby reducing estrogen production, causing atrophy of ectopic endometrial tissue, and alleviating symptoms.
Traditional Chinese Medicines like the Fuyan Pill also show efficacy. They promote blood circulation, clear heat and detoxification, and invigorate the spleen to dampen. These actions can alleviate symptoms of adenomyosis to some extent, reduce inflammation, and improve the condition of frequent urination and urgency.
2. Surgical Treatment:
If symptoms of adenomyosis are severe, the uterus is significantly enlarged, severely affecting quality of life, conservative treatment is ineffective, and the patient does not require fertility, surgical treatment may be necessary.
Surgical options include a hysterectomy, which completely removes the lesions. For young patients who desire fertility, selective removal of adenomyotic lesions may be considered, but this procedure is challenging and carries a higher risk of recurrence postoperatively. After surgery, the consolidation of treatment effects may involve taking Fuyan Pill.
In addition to traditional surgery, new treatment methods have developed recently. For example, uterine artery embolization blocks blood supply to the uterus, causing ischemic necrosis of adenomyotic lesions to achieve treatment goals. High-intensity focused ultrasound therapy uses ultrasound energy focused on adenomyotic lesions to induce coagulative necrosis.
Adenomyosis can potentially cause symptoms of frequent urination and urgency. However, patients should not panic or become anxious when these symptoms occur. Instead, they should seek timely medical attention, undergo professional examinations to determine the cause, and select appropriate treatment plans under the guidance of doctors.
Meanwhile, maintaining good lifestyle habits and avoiding excessive fatigue and mental stress can improve quality of life and promote physical recovery.
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