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How to Handle Excessive Bleeding Symptom of Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a medical term that involves the abnormal growth of endometrial tissues outside of the uterine cavity. It’s a very common disease among women in their child bearing age. Excessive Bleeding is a typical symptom of Endometriosis and can be annoying in daily life. Thus, how to handle the excessive bleeding symptom of endometriosis?


Endometriosis symptoms

1. Keep supplies handy
Plan to keep plenty of extra sanitary products at home, in the car, at your office, and anywhere else you will spend much time. Besides, you should also consider keeping a change of clothes in these locations if your bleeding tends to come on quickly.

2. Plan ahead
It's a common symptom of endometriosis for excessive bleeding during your menstrual period. This may be an annoying condition especially at work or other outside occasions. It’s recommended to pursue medical treatment as soon as possible, such as herbal medicine of Fuyan Pill or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, and aspirin. Additionally, you can try to plan ahead for your menstrual period. Try to avoid scheduling demanding and time-consuming events and activities during your period, whenever possible. Try to just take part in activities that are absolutely necessary.

3. Enlist help
You can ask your partner, older children, friends, and family members for help when you are experiencing heavy bleeding symptom. For example, your partner can take over certain running errands for you and friends can help take your children to after-school activities.

4. Meditate
Meditation will not affect your heavy bleeding or other symptoms of endometriosis, but it may help you cope with pain more effectively. According to some studies, people who meditate regularly can develop higher pain thresholds and a stronger sense of inner peace and contentedness.

At last, try to stay in close contact with your physician. Endometriosis symptoms are best handled by a combination of coping mechanisms and medical treatment You need to know that the best ways to handle your condition may vary depending upon your age and the severity of your disease.

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