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Six Common Signs of Female Infertility

To have healthy babies is a dream of most newly formed families, but infertility can be a obstacle of making the dream come true. For young women, they should take notice of their body's "talk", incase infertility occurs.

Here are six common signs of female infertility:

1 Abnormal secretion of the nipples. If you see secretion of the nipples and you are not locatating a baby during that time, that may be a sign of hypothalamus dysfunction, prolactinoma, pituitary tumours, primary thyroid dysfunction, chronic renal failure and so on. Also this symptom can be caused by intake acyeterion or some hypotensive drugs. Amenorrhea may occur with it.

2 Irregular or abnormal menses. The ahead or delaying menses, extremely heavy or light menses, abnormal vaginal bleeding, amenorrhea, and dysmenorrhea are all signs of gynecological diseases.

3 Excessive vaginal fluid, vaginal inflammation.

4 If you have a serious of the following symptoms after your menses, that may be caused by LPD (Luteal Phase Defect): diarrhea, edema, headache, canker sore, facial acne, fever, rubella, depression, fidget.

5 Endometrium hypoevolutism, uterine dysplasia or uterine deformity.

6 Abnormal BMI.


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