Signs and Symptoms of PID
Symptoms of PID vary from mild to severe. When PID is caused by chlamydial or mycoplasma infection, a woman may be more likely to experience only mild symptoms even when serious damageis being done to...read more + -
PID Risk Factors and Preventions
Pelvic inflammatory disease is a general term for infection of the uterus lining, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. The infection may occur in one part, it can also occur in several organs. Inflammation of...read more + -
How does PID occur on unmarried women
As one of common diseases on women, PID do huge harm to women's health. Even most of PID sufferers are married women, it is still possible for unmarried women to have a PID. So how PIDoccur on unmarri...read more + -
Four common causes of an enlarged uterus
Most women will never experience enlarged uterus until they are pregnant. However, pregnancyisn't the only reason for an enlarged uterus. Uterine enlargement can occur among various ages of women.read more + -
Older Women can Get PID from STDs
The sexually transmitted disease trichomoniasis may be much more common among older women than those in their 20s, and researchers are recommending routine screening for sexually active women aged 40 ...read more + -
Six Common Signs of Female Infertility
To have healthy babies is a dream of most newly formed families, but infertility can be a obstacle of making the dream come true. For young women, they should take notice of their body's talk, incase ...read more + -
If you are having difficulties becoming pregnant or have recently noticed symptoms of abdominal pain and tenderness, you may be suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Pelvicinflammatory dis...read more +
Causes of Salpingitis
Salpingitisis an infection and inflammation in the fallopian tubes. Sometimes salpingitis refers to PID, even PID has no exact conception. In most of the time, PID refers to inflammation of the uterus...read more + -
What Causes Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?
How PID develops? As the ovaries are quiteclose to fallopian tubes, salpingitis can lead to ovaritis. Therefore, ovaritis is associated with salpingitis, which is known as salpingo-ovaritis or annexit...read more + -
Pelvic Dropsy
Pelvic dropsy is exudate that secretes in the pelvic cavity because of inflammation. It often occur when there is endometritis. The tissue of endometrium swells and thick fluid secretes from endometri...read more +