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Hyperplasia, pollyp
Have anemia due to heavy menses. Biopsy of uterus lining is good but too thick. Doctor wants to remove pollyp with surgery and use hormones to make uterus lining thin. Can the pill help with the pollyp and the uterus lining? My periods are irregular. 28-40 days. Also, can pill help with ovary cyst?
Heavy bleeding is most possibly caused by endometrial hyperplasia. Fuyan Pill can completely cure your endometrial hyperplasia and regulate your menses, make you not bleed that much. However I must make it clear that it can only have some positive effect on the polyp and ovary cyst, but may not completely cure them. To be more speicificly, some of our patients have they cyst and polpy reduced after the treatment, some have them completely removed by our medicine, but some see no change. But for treating endometrial hyperplasia, Fuyan Pill is really effective on this. Your symptms can reduce after one month treatment and this condition can be completely cured after three to four months medication.
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