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Why Do Women Get Infected with Chlamydia? What Are the Causes?

Chlamydia is a very tiny pathogen that is invisible to the naked eye but highly infectious. When women get infected with chlamydia, the symptoms can vary greatly. Sometimes, there may be an increase in vaginal discharge with changes in color, texture, and odor. If the infection spreads to the uterus or fallopian tubes, it may cause lower abdominal pain and menstrual irregularities.


Given that chlamydia infection can cause so much discomfort, why do women get infected with chlamydia? What are the causes?

1. Sexual Transmission

Chlamydia can be transmitted through direct genital contact during unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner. During sexual activity, chlamydia can enter the genital mucosa of the uninfected partner from the secretions of the infected partner's genital tract, leading to infection. Whether it is heterosexual intercourse or homosexual contact, if one party carries chlamydia, it can potentially infect the other party.

2. Indirect Contact Transmission

If items contaminated with chlamydia, such as towels, bath towels, toilet seats, and bathtubs, are used, chlamydia can be transmitted. For instance, items and facilities in public baths, hotels, swimming pools, and other public places with poor hygiene conditions and inadequate disinfection may carry chlamydia pathogens. When women use these contaminated items or come into contact with these contaminated facilities, they risk getting infected.

3. Decreased Immunity

When the body's immune system functions normally, it can effectively resist pathogen invasion. However, if the immune system is weakened due to prolonged fatigue, poor nutrition, chronic diseases, long-term use of immunosuppressants, or diseases such as AIDS, the body's resistance to chlamydia will be reduced, making it easier for chlamydia to invade and cause infection.

4. Poor Lifestyle Habits

Poor lifestyle habits such as staying up late, smoking, excessive drinking, and poor nutrition can impair the body's normal physiological functions, reducing resistance and immunity and making the body more susceptible to pathogens like chlamydia. Additionally, poor personal hygiene, such as not frequently changing underwear or neglecting vulvar hygiene, can increase the risk of genital chlamydia infection.

5. Iatrogenic Transmission

During gynecological exams, surgeries, blood transfusions, organ transplants, and other medical procedures, if the medical instruments are not properly sterilized, the procedures are not conducted according to standard protocols, or contaminated blood or tissues are used, women may become infected with chlamydia.

6. Living Environment

Living in densely populated, poorly ventilated, and unsanitary conditions can increase women's exposure to chlamydia pathogens. In communal living spaces, such as school dormitories and employee dormitories, if someone is infected with chlamydia, the risk of infection for others also increases.

In summary, there are various reasons why women get infected with chlamydia. If you suspect you have chlamydia, it is essential to go to the hospital for examination and diagnosis promptly.

Standard diagnostic methods include nucleic acid, antigen, and serological tests. Once diagnosed, it is crucial to follow the doctor’s treatment plan. Early diagnosis and treatment of chlamydia infection generally lead to a good prognosis.

Common medications for treatment include macrolides and tetracyclines. For those who prefer a more natural treatment approach, herbal medicine, such as Fuyan Pill, can be considered. It clears heat and detoxifies, promotes blood circulation, removes blood stasis, strengthens the spleen, and promotes urination. 

The pill helps eliminate inflammation, inhibits the growth and reproduction of chlamydia, and enhances the body's immunity and resistance. It improves the internal environment, making it difficult for chlamydia to survive and proliferate.

During treatment, sexual intercourse should be avoided, and sexual partners should also be examined and treated to prevent cross-infection and recurrence of the disease.

Recommend readings:

Can Chlamydia Infection Cause Hydrosalpinx?

Researchers develop protective vaccine against chlamydia infections

Can Chlamydia Infection Be Cured?

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