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Diet and Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Can Food Choices Impact Symptoms?

Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect on female chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, and diet therapy is popular with female patients. Traditional Chinese medicine classifies chronic pelvic inflammatory disease into five categories. Combined with traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy, it can better relieve chronic pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms and promote inflammation recovery. Next, let's look at the dialectical diet of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.

1. Heat-toxic pelvic inflammatory disease
Dialectics: patients may have a headache, abdominal pain, purulent leucorrhea accompanied by bad breath, yellow urine, constipation, red tongue and yellow fur, slippery pulse, or string number.
Diet: Sophora flower and barley porridge.
Methods: The primary materials are: Sophora japonica, coix seed, wax gourd seed, and rice. First, fry sophora japonica and winter melon seeds with water twice, take the juice, add coix seed and rice, cook, and eat.
Efficacy: It can clear heat and detoxify, diminish inflammation and remove dampness, which is very helpful for treating heat-toxic pelvic inflammatory disease.
2. Damp-heat pelvic inflammatory disease
Dialectics: pain and burning in the lower abdomen, dry mouth and tongue, increased leucorrhea, yellow or red leucorrhea, red tongue, yellow and greasy fur, and smooth pulse.
Diet: honeysuckle and white gourd soup.
Method: The main ingredients are winter melon kernel, honeysuckle, Coptis chinensis, and honey. Boil the wax gourd kernel and Coptis chinensis with water for 30 minutes, remove the residue, and then put the honeysuckle together and cook for about 10 minutes,
Efficacy: It can clear heat and remove dampness, diminish inflammation and detoxify, and has a good conditioning effect on damp-heat stasis type pelvic inflammatory disease.
3. Damp-heat stasis pelvic inflammatory disease
Dialectics: abdominal distension and pain, bitter mouth and dry mouth, yellow and thick leucorrhea, turbid urine, dry stool, dark red tongue, yellow or white fur, and stringy pulse.
Diet: Poria cocos turtle soup.
Method: Prepare fresh Tuckahoe, grass turtle, and lean meat. The grass turtle is cleaned and cut into pieces, the soil poria cocos are peeled and sliced, the lean meat is cut into large pieces and then put into the pot and stewed with water for two hours, then drink it.
Efficacy: clear heat and remove dampness, promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, strengthen the spleen, and nourish yin. Patients with damp-heat stasis type pelvic inflammatory disease can take it once daily.
4. Congestion-blocking pelvic inflammatory disease
Dialectics: continuous pain in the lower abdomen, irregular menstruation, many blood clots in the menstrual blood, purple, dark, and thin tongue coating, and deep or astringent pulse.
Diet: peanut, red dates, and chicken feet soup
Method: prepare chicken feet, peanuts, and red dates. Stir-fry the cleaned chicken feet, put them into the casserole, and add peanuts, red dates and scallions, ginger, and stew for 2 hours.
Efficacy: It can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, strengthen the spleen and replenish blood, and has a better conditioning effect on the pelvic inflammatory disease of stasis type.
5. Chongren deficiency cold type of pelvic inflammatory disease
Dialectics: cold pain in the lower abdomen, more leucorrhea and thin white matter, chilly limbs, thin tongue coating, thin pulse.
Diet: lean stewed meat with calamus and poria cocos.
Methods: The primary raw materials include Tuckahoe, calamus, cherry blossom, gorgon, and lean meat. Wash lean meat and cut it into pieces, wash other medicinal materials separately, add water to stew, and taste with salt.
Efficacy: It can strengthen the spleen and kidney, warm yang and regulate menstruation, replenish qi and nourish the blood, and has a specific therapeutic effect on the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease of Ren deficiency cold type.
The above is the dialectical diet therapy for chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. These diet therapy methods have an auxiliary effect on treating illness, but diet therapy alone cannot cure the disease. Patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease can choose Fuyan Pill, a traditional Chinese medicine, for treatment. With the above diet, the goal of early cure can be achieved!
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