To answer this question objectively, we need to have objective and clear knowledge about both M2 tone and bilateral hydrosalpinges. M2 Tone is a kind of western medicine that is widely used to treat m...read more +
A large amount of women who has the tubal blockage experience the abdominal pain while taking the HSG. Therefore, women also take the abdominal pain while taking HSG a sign of tubal blockage. However,...read more +
Endometritis is a kind of common gynecopathy usually caused by bacterial infections or inflammatory change in the structure of endometrium. However inflammation will not last long in endometrium becau...read more +
Can herbs treat severe hydrosalpnix?
According to Dr. Lee, to cure the hydrosalpinx, there are two problems that patients have to solve: one is the infection and the other one is the hydrop in fallopian tube. The infection and the hydrop...read more + -
How to treat hydrosalpinx naturally?
Although to cure the hydrosalpinx naturally is hard. There always are cures for hydrosalpinx. However, traditional methods are not included, because they can bring side effect or damages to patients.read more + -
If woman have her fallopian tubes swollen and filled with fluid, she must affect the hydrosalpinx. Actually, the hydrosalpinx isn’t disease hard to cure. Its treatment is quite easy.read more +
What is tubal blockage? Tubal blockage is a condition that has the fallopian tubes blocked. Since thread more +
What can heal perifimbrial adhesion naturally? To answering this question, we should figure out whatread more +
Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the leading causes of infertility in the modern days, which accounts for 40 percent of infertile women. A blocked fallopian tube typically prevents successful passag...read more +
My wife is having hydrosalpinx that has been difficult for her to get pregnant, is a question that left as an offline message. Before answering this question, we should figure out what hydrosalpinx is...read more +