Tubal blockage accounts for one-fifth of female infertility. Its incidence ratio is high. Obviously timely treatment for tubal blockage is important and necessary in order to avoid infertility, ectopi...read more +
Although fallopian tubes, which play an important role in reproductive process, are the mostvital organs in reproductive organs, Hydrosalpinx that contributes 80% infertility in women obviously is the...read more +
Blocked fallopian tubes contribute to almost 40% of infertility cases. Women with blocked fallopian tubes may just undergo test until she finds herself of infertility since it may be accompanied by on...read more +
Salpingitis which is caused by pathogens such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, escherichia coli and gonococcus, according to the point of Western medicine, can be mainly cured by taking anti-bacteria...read more +
Everyone knows that once the fallopian tubes block, infertility or ectopic pregnancy is the most possible consequences that women may encounter. But why blockage happens on fallopian tubes and how to ...read more +
A hydrosalpinx is the medical name that means a fallopian tube is blocked with serous fluid at its dread more +
The fallopian tubes are ducts that link a woman's ovaries to her uterus, which act as a channel throread more +
A hydrosalpinx means a fallopian tube that is filled with fluid. According to some data, hydrosalpinx accounts for 40% of infertile women. Thus, it's extremely important for women to know different hy...read more +
For different patients, experts suggest that in additionto using general surgery treatments,some other treatment approach like Chinese acupuncture should be used together to cure fallopian tube blocka...read more +
Diseases like tube adhesion is one of the most common reasons of infertility in women already. It accounts for 30%—40% infertility in all cases. So the disease is terrible and needs to be paid enough ...read more +