Who Are More Likely to Get PID: The White Collar Group?
Accounting, office clerks, editors, computer operators, writers and other white-collar workers, due to long time of sitting still and lack of activity, resulting in slow blood circulation, so that the body's venous drainage is obstructed, and it leads to certain gynecological diseases as time progresses.
For example: pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), vaginitis and other gynecological diseases. Then how do you know if you suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease?
Lower abdominal pain, excessive leucorrhea, purulent, may be accompanied by fatigue, low back pain, menstrual disorders, some patients may have neurasthenia symptoms which can intensify after sexual intercourse and before or after menstrual period. Due to pelvic blood stasis, patients may have increased leucorrhea, prolonged menses cycle, dysmenorrhea and other symptoms.
How to Treat Acute and Chronic PID Respectively?
previous pagePelvic Inflammatory Disease: Current Concepts in Treatment
next page- Treatment of PID
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